Thursday, June 30, 2011
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Search Engines and Such

Alexa has search engine information that should help you in working your website.
Labels: alexa, information, search engine, website building
A NEW blog on the blog block!!
Lottery Winning Methods & Systems Blog
Check it out as you may or may not be able to use this blogs information.
Window To Winning KENO Lotteries
Labels: ebooks win winning powerball wheel wheels, KENO, lotteries, methods, systems blog
Monday, June 20, 2011
Top Reasons Why World Will NOT End
"GIGO" describes the abysmal lack of intelligent thought and critical thinking on the Internet when it comes to all the hysteria about the end of the world coming on December 21, 2012 -- just in time to ruin Christmas.
I'm getting e-mail about this weekly and I expect the nonsense to ratchet up.
This latest installment in decades of flaky astronomical apocalypse predictions is loosely based on the Mayan calendar that marks the end of a 5,126-year era. Apparently the Mayans knew something about the heavens we don't, according to numerous hot-selling 2012 doomsday books on the market. Our multi-billion dollar telescopes, space probes, and 6,000 professional astronomers somehow just can't keep up with the mystic knowledge of an ancient superstitious culture.
With the much-ballyhooed release of the film "2012" opening on November 13, end of world chatter will be the topic from backyard cookouts, to bars, to wine and cheese parties.
I am listing the 10 most popular 2012 end-of-world scenarios and providing a quickie reference guide to use in politely dismissing any friends, relatives, or in-laws whose brains have turned into a pile of GIGO mush after being suckered by the End of Days hype.
The ten top 2012 doomsday scenarios:
10. Changes in the Sun's magnetic field will lead to powerful flares.
So what else is new under the sun? The sun goes though a well-documented 11-year sunspot cycle that is driven by its magnetic field entangling, reforming and flipping polarity. Yes, the peak of the next cycle is in 2012 (or 2013), and some predictions suggest it might be 30 to 50 percent stronger than the last peak.
But experts say it will certainly not be the biggest peak ever recorded.
The bottom line is that no dragon's breath of flame will stretch across 100 million miles of space and blowtorch Earth. The largest solar flare recorded to date, on Nov. 4, 2003, spewed several billions of tons of plasma in Earth's direction. The flare's X-ray radiation that impacted our protective atmosphere had the equivalent radiation of 5,000 suns.
We're still here.
9. The Earth's magnetic field will reverse.
Don't hold you breath. The last field reversal happened nearly 800,000 years ago. Fred Flintstone and our other ancestor cavemen survived. Geological evidence shows that the field has reversed its orientation tens of thousands of times over Earth history. Yet there is no definitive evidence that a magnetic field reversal has ever caused any mass extinction due to increased cosmic ray influx.
8. The Earth's rotation axis will tip.
This isn't nearly as easy as tipping cows. Unlike Mars, which does go though wide excursions in it axial tilt, Earth's tilt is kept steady by the gravitational influence of the moon. An object the size of Mars would have to hit Earth to transfer enough momentum to knock us out of kilter. But Mars-sized protoplanets were kicked into interstellar space over 4 billion years ago. The solar system doesn't make "planets-gone-wild" anymore.
7. A grand alignment of Jupiter and Saturn will gravitationally perturb Earth.
For the past several decades there have been doomsday claims that the combined gravity from grand planetary alignments will cause geologic and meteorological upheavals on Earth.
None are scheduled for 2012.
In 1962 an extremely rare grand conjunction of the classical naked-eye planets drove astrologers crazy. The conjunction happened on Feb. 4-5 and was accompanied by a solar eclipse! The most infamous grand conjunction was in 1982 and popularized in a book called "The Jupiter Effect," which predicted earthquakes and massive tides. Life went on as usual both years. The moon has a vastly greater gravitational influence on Earth than Jupiter. It's called location, location, location! At a whopping distance of 400 million miles from Earth, Jupiter's tug is pretty wimpy.
6. The Sun will align with the galactic equator on the winter solstice.
So what? These are simply coordinates in the sky. It has no physical reality any more than the intersection of Broadway and 7th Avenue at Times Square influences the geology of Manhattan Island. This is greatly confused with the fact that the sun's position actually oscillates up and down as it orbits the galaxy, like a horse on a carousel.
We pass through the galactic plane every 35 to 40 million years. It's possible that an increased number of comets might be hurled towards the Earth because of gravitational interaction with the densest parts of our galaxy during this passage. But we are talking about the consequences spanning many thousands of years, not crashing down on our heads in any one specific year.
5. The black hole in the galactic center will affect us.
The Milky Way's black hole has no influence on the galactic disk. The black hole is three million solar masses. The Milky Way is several trillion solar masses when we add the tug of dark matter. Any gravitational influence of the black hole over the galaxy would be like the tail wagging the dog. The Milky Way's collision with the Andromeda galaxy will dump gas into the black hole and it will blaze as a quasar. But that's several billion years away.
4. An asteroid will smash into Earth.
A threatening near-Earth asteroid that's gotten the most press is the 900-foot wide Apophis. But its chances of collision have been downgraded to 1 in 250,000 at its next close approach in 2029. In theory, an uncharted asteroid or comet could come out of the blue tomorrow. But if we don't know about it today, the Mayans certainly didn't know about it 1,200 years ago. Earth-killer impacts are tens of millions of years apart. So there's no reason to be a doomsday clock-watcher.
3. The rogue planet Nibiru will swing by Earth.
There isn't such a planet any more than the planet Naboo from the Star Wars trilogy is real. Purported Internet pictures of the interloper are photographic lens flares or hoaxes. Don't believe every dot you see photographed in the sky.
2. Supernovae or hypernovae will irradiate Earth.
There are no stars that are so close to Earth that radiation from their supernova demise would seriously affect us. The nearest candidate, the red giant Betelgeuse, is predicted to explode in the next 1,000 years. The monster star Eta Carinae is also on a short fuse. Neither doomed star has a spin axis precisely aimed at Earth, so we don't have to worry about being fried by a narrow beam of gamma rays ejected from the core's implosion. In fact the kinds of stars that shoot out these Death Star beams are uncommon in the Milky Way. Earth has a one percent chance of getting zapped over 10 billion years. Scratch gamma ray bursts off of your homeowner's insurance policy.
1. A cloud of negative energy engulfs the solar system.
Wow! A dark cloud with a bad attitude! This sound suspiciously like a Star Trek episode. Dark energy is all around us already, but it is not packaged into clouds. The same goes for dark matter.
Labels: End of world, magnetic field, mayans, sun
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Search Engines and Such

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Labels: amazon books, android, blackberry, ipad, iphone, pc, search engine
Friday, June 17, 2011
Winning, everyone likes to win.
Playing lotteries, one should study statistics for better odds for better wins.
"Handbook on Playing Lotteries"
Labels: ebook, ebooks, free eBooks, lotteries, lottery
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Jimmy The Swede's Handbook On Playing Lotteries Volume 2
Labels: ebooks win, how to win, lotteries, lottery, wheel, wheels, win, winning powerball
Saturday, June 11, 2011
When looking to win lotteries, one should investigate as many methods and systems. Below is a book with quite a few methods and systems :
Handbook on Playing Lotteries
Labels: how to win, lotteries, lottery, wheel, wheels, win, windows to winning
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Labels: employee rights, labor law, labor law info
When playing KENO Lotteries, it is good to be comfortable and relaxed when playing.
Having numbers,favorites or otherwise,ready to play is part of that relaxation process.
When figuring your numbers, use several methods and/or systems. You may have a tendency to have favorites for one reason or another.
This may tend to put blinders on yourself.This is why I suggest a scientific approach when selecting numbers, such as frequency numbers.
Frequency Numbers tell you what numbers are hitting the most and which numbers are NOT hitting. If you watch as they come on the screen, you are using generally a frequency method. This is a quick judgement call.
Frequency Charts are charts used on previous DRAWS of the numbers. Figuring when frequent numbers hit on particular days is helpful when getting a more consistent wins.
There are many Methods and Systems which help in getting the ODDS turning in your favor.
Enjoy playing KENO but let's also enjoy in WINNING AT KENO!!

Labels: ebooks, Jimmy The Swede, KENO, lotteries, winning KENO
Thursday, June 9, 2011
Wednesday, June 8, 2011
A NEW blog on the blog block!!
Saturday, June 4, 2011
Lottery Information WEBSITES I Found Interesting While Browsing
I like browsing the internet. I generally browse on A SUBJECT so I can get that particular type information. If you browse everything you are not in a studying type of browsing.
The following WEBSITES were interesting browsing while looking for LOTTERY information. I thought maybe you would be interested in LOTTERY Information Websites:
IdahoLottery.com LotteryPost.com LotteryUSA.com LottoStrategies.com LouisianaLottery.com
NHLottery.org PhysicsForums.com http://www.prlog.org http://www.re-quest.net SavingAdvice.com
SmartLuck.com Sodahead.com New Jersey -- Great state of Opportunities Wired.com YouTube.com
Labels: how to win, lotteries, lottery, megamillions, wheel, wheels, win, windows
Winning Websites I Came Across While Browsing The Internet
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Bittenus.com En.Wikipedia.org EzineArticles.com Washington University at St Louis VegasClick.com
Amazon.com ArticlesBase.com BankRate.com Cleveland.com Consumer Fraud Reporting.org
Cracked.com http://www.dipity.com mlive.com http://www.newswealth.com
Enjoy these Websites. I enjoy browsing them.
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Gail Howard -- Author Extrodinair -- Books A Must Have For Your Library
If you go to Amazon.com and search for "Gail Howard, Lottery" , you should be able to see her books. I have 5 of her books for my Lottery Library. When studying the Lotteries of the world, you should study as many books and by different authors to get a variety of thoughts and aspects of playing numbers for lotteries.
There are many thoughts out there and it is up to YOU to decide how you are going to play YOUR WAY!!
Find Your Winning Style. Read and you shall increase your knowledge.
Gail Howard Master Lottery Guide
Labels: ebook, ebooks, free eBooks, lottery, wheel, wheels, win, wind, windows, wine
Thursday, June 2, 2011
Making the Winning Numbers Work For YOU by Using Winning Methods
Choose the lottery then find the STATISTICS and figure the odds.
Handbook on Playing Lotteries
Handbook on Playing Lotteries Vol. 2
Handbook on Playing KENO Lotteries
Numbers, math, formulas, systems, methods, etc. are essentials of predicting future numbers as well as future happenings.
Labels: ebooks, handicapping, wheel, wheels, win, windows to winning, winning powerball